
Final Design of the BBC Micro Bit: A tiny Computer for Kids Unveiled

Final design of the BBC Micro Bit: A tiny computer for kids unveiled by the BBC in a blog post. The device is quite similar to the Raspberry Pi microcomputer to do some DIY projects. BBC Micro Bit will feature an array of programmable LED lights, a built-in motion sensor, two buttons, input-output rings, USB connectivity and bluetooth.

Some insights into the BBC Micro Bit

BBC Micro Bit will allow its users to write simple program via a new website, which can be used on both mobile devices and PCs. Before transferring the program to the Micro Bit via a USB cable or wireless Bluetooth connection, users can save and test their programs on the above mentioned website.

The tiny computer can then be made to interact with its built-in sensors and buttons to make its 25 LEDs flash in various patterns, for instance, it can be used to display any number or alphabet. To carry out some difficult tasks BBC Micro Bit computer can also be connected to other computing kits including the Galileo, Arduino and Raspberry Pi via its input-output rings.

When the device was announced four months ago, it was thought that it could be easily pinned to clothing. But due to a revision, which involved replacing a watch-battery slot with a bigger battery pack make it less practical.

What can be done with the BBC Micro Bit computer?

1. According to the BBC, two buttons of Micro Bit can be used to make a video game controller.
2. The built-in magnetometer sensor of the Micro Bit could be used to create a metal detector.
3. A hi-tech spirit level can be made using its accelerometer.
4. A DVD player can be controlled using its Bluetooth chip.

The new “Make it Digital Initiative”, including BBC Micro Bit, is a welcome move to encourage young people to learn coding. BBC Micro Bit kits will start arriving in schools in the UK by late October.

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