
Facebook Working to Equip Drones with Laser Beams to Transmit Internet Connectivity to the Earth

To make the internet and particularly Facebook more accessible to the people worldwide, Facebook is working to equip drones with laser beams to transmit internet connectivity to the earth. According to Facebook official, this project is designed to provide internet connectivity to those users who are out of range from existing wireless networks.

Facebook earlier started an initiative called with an aim to provide free Facebook access to millions of users in the developing countries and especially in African countries. Facebook’s move to equip drones with laser beams to transmit internet connectivity to the earth is their next step to reach their target, which is to make internet access available to all.

Titan Aerospace to work with Connectivity Labs to equip drones with laser beams to transmit internet connectivity to the earth

According to a report, Facebook lately acquired a New Mexico-based startup called Titan Aerospace that builds drones that can fly nearly as high as satellites and stay aloft for about five years. The startup is now working with Facebook to equip drones with laser beams to transmit internet connectivity to the earth. Drones are said to be solar-powered.

Meanwhile, Connectivity Labs, which is Facebook’s in-house company is working to develop machinery that can emit invisible laser beams which will be used to transmit internet connectivity to earth.

“One day, I believe we’ll be able to send full rich thoughts to each other directly using technology. You’ll just be able to think of something and your friends will immediately be able to experience it too if you’d like. This would be the ultimate communication technology,” said Zuckerberg.

Besides, Facebook working to equip drones with laser beams to transmit internet connectivity to the earth; they are also working on telepathy, virtual reality and artificial intelligence

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