
Facebook will Help in Getting a Divorce

Facebook Heartbroken

Divorce is a trick subject and it is difficult to experience a divorce. For many people it’s a hassle to find out where their ex’s are and another problem is to make them sign the papers as some people refuse to sign papers. But divorce can be even more difficult if you are unable to find your ex-partner.

A woman in New York now has the right to serve her divorce papers to her husband via Facebook as this was the only place where she was able to find her husband.

The 26 year old, Ellanora Baidoo works as a nurse in Brooklyn, her husband had refused to sign the divorce papers so she got an approval to start dissolving her marriage through the social media, her husband is serving time in prison and he refused to receive the documents in person.

According to the New York Daily News, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Matthew Cooper said the permission was granted to Baidoo to serve defendant divorce summons using the messaging system on Facebook. He added further that this process will be repeated for 3 weeks until the request is approved.

Miss Baidoo was married to Victor Sena Blood-Dzraku in a civil ceremony in 2009. Sena Blood-Dzraku refused to give miss Baidoo a traditional Ghanian wedding and this is where the conflict started, miss Baidoo wanted the families to attend the wedding.

According to miss Baidoo’s lawyer, the marriage was not consummated and the couple was not living together, while the husband refuses to sign the divorce papers, he was contacting his wife through the telephone and Facebook.

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