EPA Sunwise App to Provide Real Time UV Index Data of Your City

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) unveiled the latest version of EPA Sunwise app to provide real- time UV index data of your city on an hourly basis without the need for an internet connection.
A large number of studies had demonstrated what overexposure to the sun can do to our skin. It includes various skin conditions like skin rashes, blisters, allergies and skin cancers. Thus, EPA SunWise app has been developed that uses GPS technology to transmit real-time data on UV radiation levels in your city to your mobile phone. It means users don’t need to have an active internet connection to use the app. Users will only have to type their zip code in the app to get all the necessary details on UV intensity and they can also see the data of other cities in the US.
Some details of EPA Sunwise app:
EPA SunWise app can provide hourly or daily UV radiation level forecasts, which is beneficial especially for the beachgoers that tend to stay longer in the sun. The app is very easy to use and everything is clearly explained graphically. EPA SunWise app users need to tap the graph icon at the bottom of the menu to see the hourly details of UV intensity throughout the day. The values range from Very High (light purple) or High (Red) to Moderate (yellow) to Low (Green). These details will help users to decide when they should apply more sunscreen and can even choose to stay indoors.
Currently the EPA SunWise app is available on iPhones and iPad devices only, and has only English language support. EPA also advises to apply SPF 30+ sunscreen and wearing sunglasses in direct sunlight to protect from both UVA and UVB rays.
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