Donald Trump’s Lead Slashed in SC
Lots of South Carolinians are making up their minds today.
If it’s a tighter loss, some say, it would validate the theory that Trump was susceptible to their attacks and encourage more. He says he’s seriously thinking about suing Cruz for not being a natural born American citizen if he doesn’t stop the ad.
“In the annals of frivolous lawsuits, this takes the cake”, the Texas lawmaker said.
Presidential Candidate Donald Trump (R), orders his security to escort rowdy protesters out of the University of Iowa Field House. We’ll be streaming that event LIVE at noon.
A SC victory for Donald Trump would be massive, reinforcing his status as a front-runner and bringing him one step closer to winning the GOP nomination.
A new Associated Press-GfK poll found that Rubio and Cruz are slightly more popular than Trump among Hispanics, although none of them is well-liked. Trump rebounded in the New Hampshire primary.
On Wednesday, he held a rally at a private Christian school in Spartanburg before addressing a faith gathering at a Southern Baptist church. CBN’s David Brody pressed. Oran Smith, a prominent evangelical leader in SC, pressed Trump to take back his attack on the 43rd president from the last Republican presidential debate. Among evangelicals that leads grows to nearly 20 points.
Cruz was just one of two candidates who addressed the packed sanctuary. They’re focusing on questioning Trump’s conservative credentials.
A 40-year-old Kansas man is behind a website that notes how long it has been since Hillary Clinton said she’d “look into” whether she can release transcripts of her paid speeches to big banks. “He supported Obama’s stimulus plan”. The close race in Nevada, the first state on the calendar with a decent-sized nonwhite population, suggests that at least among Hispanics, Clinton’s advantage may not be very big. Trump has called for a border wall to be built between the two countries.
Not that Trump is letting himself go.
And what about the landmark 1973 abortion case?
“I’m pro-Pope”, Kasich said. “Trump talks about our flag like it’s a social disease”.
“If you want a Republican who will stand unapologetically for marriage and life, I’m the only person on that stage who has a proven record of doing so over and over again”, Cruz said.
After his disastrous performance in the New Hampshire debate, and his subsequent fifth-place finish there, Rubio seems poised for a comeback. The state’s governor, Nikki Haley, has endorsed Rubio.
“I came in here with my mind made up” for Rubio, Grau said, “and to be honest, I’m not so sure right now”.
Meanwhile, Cruz believes rock-ribbed conservatism will rule the day.
Trump’s had enough solid numbers this week to expect he’ll win tomorrow night going away, but if you’re desperate for hope and looking around for data to cling to, there’s plenty out there.
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