offers the most affordable flight deals from around the world

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – is a market leading website for the most affordable flight deals. It provides exclusive information about cheap flights from around the world. was launched to assist people especially New Zealand citizens to compare hundreds of airlines to get the best deal possible for their holiday.

Typically New Zealand has been very expensive to find flights in the past, but now with, people can find cheaper alternatives to air travel. With a user-friendly website, customers can find the best deal for both flights and hotels in a matter of seconds and reserve flights with a click of a button. So you no longer need to search countless websites comparing flight details to find the best price, Compare Flights take care of all the hard work for you.
The essence of the website is to make it easier for people book cheap flights anywhere they find themselves and also help them save money and valuable time with airline deals. With, vacationers will completely get rid of the middle man and bring New Zealand’s best prices for air travel.
According to Compare Flights NZ spokesperson, Michael Curran:
“ is the fastest and easiest way of comparing hundreds of Airline fares from around the world. We use innovative technology to bring you the best deals possible right to your browser. With exclusive offers with some of the world’s leading airlines, we can always find you some of the cheapest Flights around.
Search for the cheapest flights to any airport anywhere in the world and we’ll help you find the best deals available. “

About leads the way in online travel technology and tools. Their site enables people to compare, combine and reserve the best local and international travel flight deals, hotel accommodation, holiday package deals, etc.
For the most affordable flights deals, visit

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