Latest Social News

Instagram Bans Nudity: No Naked Pictures!
Instagram have revised their rules on posting certain things. Posting with your clothes on is now the new motto for Instagram. People are urged to post their own photos and videos with their clothes on. Experts say that Instagram may go too far to enforce its ban. Some of its

Back and Neck Pain Sufferers Increase with Technology
More and more people, especially young adults and teenagers in the United Kingdom, were suffering from back and neck pain, according to a study conducted by the British Chiropractic Association. Based on the same, they found evidences that pointed out to mobile device use and sedentary lifestyle as main causes.

Game of Thrones Leaked Online and HBO is Not Happy
The Game of Thrones is one of the most watched TV shows of this era and also, one of the most pirated shows ever to be aired on television. HBO has sent a notification to Periscope, a Twitter owned live streaming network, after the broadcast of the latest season of

European Commission to Set Antitrust Charges vs. Google
Antitrust charges are set for announcement by the European Commission against Google. The action is said to outline the accusations by the commission about the said unfair activities of the tech giant to oust its competitors. According to multiple reports, the EC is going to slap Google with an antitrust

Mortgage Industry Needs Catching Up with Technology
Over 90 percent of homebuyers, according to statistics, have been going online for search. And that’s what real estate industry people should be looking into, according to Valentin Saportas. Homebuyers search for everything else, including mortgages, online. Even though there has been a number of an innovation focusing on consumers

Facial Recognition Helps US Track China’s Next ‘Island’ Moves
Facial recognition is today’s hot topic as to whether it could help US spies spot China’s new island or not. Recently, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency utilizes technology of facial recognition in monitoring and tracking the ‘Giant’s next strategy for militarizing a region, the Mischief Reef. According to Robert Cardillo, the

Panelists: Technology Will Change How People Get Healthcare
Panelists claim technology to change the way people receive healthcare. In 2013, Ed Buckley, a doctoral student at the University of Florida was a presenter/creator during the first ever One Spark Festival, but not on Wednesday. He was back in Jacksonville in another session of One Spark, but not as

Facebook will Help in Getting a Divorce
Divorce is a trick subject and it is difficult to experience a divorce. For many people it’s a hassle to find out where their ex’s are and another problem is to make them sign the papers as some people refuse to sign papers. But divorce can be even more difficult

Facebook’s Drone Strategy: Solar powered UAV
On Thursday, Facebook gave an update on their ambitious solar powered drone. The unmanned vehicle which is solar powered and has the wingspan of a Boeing 767. Facebook has successfully tested their drone and this was explained by Chief Technology Officer Mike Schroepfer during a conference in San Francisco. The

Facebook Messenger Now Open to Apps
With more than 600 million users, Facebook has now allowed third party apps to add their own functions to the messenger. Now the chat application is transforming into a platform of its own and more than 40 new add-on apps have already been developed. There is a risk that Messenger