Latest Technology News

Opera Brings Free and Unlimited VPN Service to iOS
Opera has launched free and unlimited VPN service to iOS on Monday, just a few weeks after introducing the same for its browser. Officially called Opera VPN, the app allows users to browse securely and view content that may otherwise be restricted, due to their location or other restrictions. Just

Minecraft – Mario Mashup: A Sort of Video Game Crossover is Here
Mario and his chums will soon venture into the blocky world of Minecraft as part of a free update for Minecraft – Wii U Edition. Minecraft – Mario Mashup launching digitally on May 17, will offer a bundle of item textures, character skins, and music ripped from the portly plumber’s

All You Need to Know About Sony’s Rumoured PlayStation NEO
Sony took about 7 years to release PlayStation 4 (PS4) after the PlayStation 3 (PS3), which is the expected lifespan of a console. But now, Sony is rumoured to be developing an upgrade to PS4 – PlayStation NEO – mere 3 years after it was released. Also called PlayStation 4k

Facebook’s New ‘Discover’ Feature to Help You Find People with Similar Interests
Facebook Groups aren’t something we often talk about, however, they’re a great source of finding a specific community. Whether it’s photography, parenting, sports or food, there are groups on nearly every topic, even a few which aren’t supposed to exist at all. Now, Facebook’s New ‘Discover’ Feature will Help You

Bring In-Car Controls to Your Wrist With Bentley’s Apple Watch App
If you’re one of those few lucky people who own an Apple Watch and a Bentley Bentayga SUV, then a new convenience is coming your way – Bentley’s Apple Watch App. Because, in an age where keyless entry is in fashion and apps to start your car remotely are also

Control Video Quality with Netflix’s New Mobile Data-Saving Feature
If you have a habit of binging on Netflix, then you’ve got to be very careful about where and when you watch Netflix. Because Netflix doesn’t allow you to download shows to take with you so whenever you’re watching, you’re streaming. And all this can run up your data charges

Super-Smart VIV – Another Big Leap in AI After Siri
Siri, the velvet-voiced iOS assistant who can give you directions, do Mathematics and chat with you about Game of Thrones, is associated with Apple. But it wasn’t made by Apple; it was originally launched by Stanford Research Institute as a spin-off company, led by Dag Kittlaus, Adam Cheyer and Tom

Google Slides Gets A New Q&A Feature to Make Dull Presentations Interesting
The Search Giant, Google has added a new feature to its Slides software to save presentation audiences from sitting through long rambling questions. How does Google Slides work? Slides Q&A, Google’s PowerPoint competitor will let the audiences send text questions to the Presenter through the Web while listening to

GoPro’s New Mobile Apps Will Make Video Editing More Fun
Many people (just like me) don’t enjoy editing videos because they don’t feel like sitting on the computer for hours. But, GoPro’s new mobile apps have made editing videos on phones and tablets easier and more fun. Actually, GoPro is rebranding and relaunching, “Quik” for iOS and Android and “Splice”

Flattr Plus – A New Payment Tool to Let Users Donate Money to Websites
Adblock Plus and Flattr has announced Flattr Plus, a payment tool for users to automatically contribute real money in exchange for what they listen to, read, and watch on the Web. You can sign up for it now, but the beta will start rolling out early in the summer with