Latest Gadget News

Apple Watch Is Incompatible to Tattooed Wrists
Apple Watch is considered to be the latest device of this year. It hit the market last Friday. Of course, a lot of people pre-ordered the product in order to be among the first ones to own this fascinating device. However, even just a few days after its release, a

US Best Buy Stores Will Accept Apple Pay Later This Year
Best Buy announced that later this year, it will accept the digital payment system of Apple in all of its US stores. Due to this, the company is dubbed to be the first big-name US retailer breaking ranks with a Walmart-led Apple Pay competitor. Also, the company has started taking

People Are Now Confused How to Acquire Apple Watch
The latest product of Apple has already been announced. We all know it is the Apple Watch. Many people are really excited about it since last year. However, excitement has turned into confusion and disappointment as Apple keep on moving the launching date. During the first announcement of Apple Watch,

Did Google Release a Hint of Its Glass Headsets’ Future?
Google has always been among the top tech companies all over the world. No wonder why people are really looking forward to what they will offer next. Just recently, it seems like Google has hinted their forthcoming product as they have sent a mystery Bluetooth Low Energy or BLE device

Nitricboy Made Android Logo Pee on Apple Logo
Just recently, a picture from Google Map where an Android logo is seen peeing on an Apple logo has become viral. If you browse DHA Phase 4 in Pakistan, you will definitely see that hilarious image. There was no clue as to who did that. However, after a few hours

New Version of Google Glass Is About to Come in the Market
Google Glass has been one of the most experimental and most controversial products introduced by Google. Though many people have been amused by this product, there are also people, especially those who are privacy advocate, who criticized the product. Recent news stated that a new developed version of Google Glass

Microsoft Band: To Offer Better Features to Bikers
Bikers will definitely be amused with the Microsoft Band as it will become more useful for them. Just this Wednesday, Redmond made an announcement that the company’ wrist-worn activity tracker product will be working with two of the most popular bike apps, namely the Strav app and the MapMyRide app,

Two Brand New Apple Watch Apps Are Debuting
Apple Watch is the latest addition to the list of Apple products. Up until now, mobile developers are still thinking and developing new apps for the said product. However, some people are still questioning the capacity of Apple Watch’s apps as they can easily say that the applications for smartphones

HBO Taking Action on Piracy
HBO might cut off viewers outside the US; HBO may cut the service for paying customers who are not in their region. People who are using software tools to view HBO shows have received emails from HBO. HBO says that they are taking this action because don’t want piracy; they

US Tech Companies Make a Rebound in Stocks
Apple and IBM take the lead among tech-based companies in the US stock market. The stocks surged and recovered from last Friday’s sell-off because technology shares, such as that of Microsoft and Apple, rallied before the largest companies. Internet and computer shares in the Standard & Poor’s 500 index surged 1.8 percent, while the