Latest Gadget News

HTC Grip launch delayed due to “extensive wear testing and user feedback”
In order to boost revenues due to slowing smartphone sales, HTC announced to launch HTC Grip during Mobile World Congress back in March. It is the company’s first fitness wearable and was expected to be released this summer. But unfortunately, the company confirmed that the HTC Griplaunch has been delayed

Now transfer your data wirelessly via SanDisk Connect Wireless Stick
SanDisk has launched a new Wireless Flash Drive, which can be used to transfer data wirelessly to any device having Wifi using SanDisk Connect Wireless Stick. There are various wireless media streamers available in the market that can connect to multiple devices simultaneously but they are quite expensive. How will

Logi Blok: Logitech’s First Logi Branded iPad Case Debuts
Last week Logitech revamped its logo, and now Logi Blok: Logitech’s first Logi branded iPad case debuts. The Swiss company has been making tech accessories for the past many years and its first product after rebranding is an iPad case in which they are having expertise. The Logi Blok family

Apple may launch new iPod Touch, Nano and Shuffle tomorrow
Last month, Apple launched its music streaming service and it was thought that the company has forgotten its music devices. But, according to a report from French website, Apple may launch new iPod Touch, Nano and Shuffle tomorrow. What are the reported updates for new iPod Touch, Nano and

The latest version of Google Glass Enterprise Edition or EE will not be for normal consumers
Last week we got to know that an anonymous piece of Google hardware was logged by the US FFC. Now, the buzz is that the latest version of Google Glass Enterprise Edition or EE will not be for normal consumers and is aimed at businesses only. What are the expected

Ethernet Adaptor for Google Chromecast unleashed to solve your Wifi problems
Google Chromecast has been out for a while now and one of the best aspects of it other than the low price tag was the built-in Wi-Fi that connects the little dongle with apps and content from the web. But if you have poor WiFi, then it was quite annoying.

Logitech revamped its logo and will now simply be called “Logi”
Logitech has expanded beyond peripherals into mobile accessories, speakers, tablet keyboards, and more in the past few years. The Swiss company is best known for making the best mouse on the market, along with the best iPad keyboards and the TV remotes. Logitech revamped its logo and will now simply

Now MasterCard App will let you Pay with a Selfie
MasterCard is one of the biggest company providing credit and debit cards and is operating in more than 200 countries worldwide. To prevent fraudulent purchases online, MasterCard has come up with an idea that you will love, now MasterCard app will let you pay with a selfie, isn’t that cool.

Scientists Create Touchable Holograms
Move over Tu-Pac, Touchable Holograms are the new thing Yoichi Ochiai is a researcher at Japanese company Digital Nature Group, that has created holograms using femtosecond lasers that are not only safe to touch but are holograms you can interact with. The holograms themselves are created using a laser that sends out ultra-short

Apple Disabled Home Sharing for Music in iOS 8.4
As part of the update that introduced Apple Music, Apple disabled Home Sharing for music in iOS 8.4. Apple Music offers a lot of amazing features including a 24/7 radio station called Beats 1, streaming music with playlists curated by music experts and a social feature called Connect. But it