
Security Researcher Banned from Flight
The United Airlines has banned a security researcher after he tweeted a joke regarding hacking. Chris Roberts works as a security researcher and was travelling in United Airlines and for some reason, he tweeted that he has the ability to hack the system of the aircraft. Chris Roberts was travelling

Kids Gathered in ‘Super Science Day’
Kids who love science gathered at Fido Purpur Arena in Grand Forks on Sunday to experience science first hand. According to participants, the activities offered at the event were super fun! This event is held by the Dakota Science Center every year. Dakota Science Center Director Laura Munski said that

Google on Antitrust: ‘Bad People’ Only Try Pulling Us Down
After regulators at the European Union charged the giant tech, Google, for antitrust, the New York Times published a headline saying that the campaign versus Google in Europe was funded by competitor Microsoft. Given that part of it is true, the story being shopped by PR staffers and executives at

New Study says that Cyber-Stalkers are Addicts
A new study has revealed that most internet based stalkers may be internet addicts who have low interpersonal skills and are not in touch with other people. The National Center for Cyberstalking Research says that these Cyber-stalkers fail to establish relationships; therefore they concentrate on virtual people. Psychologist Dr Short,

Telescopic Tube Shortens Scanning Time for Possible Lung Cancer
Cutting time to spend on scanning the lungs for possible cancer, the doctors are the University College of London, use a telescopic tube to diagnose the disease that normally takes days before the results could come out. This is the latest telescopic tube that the doctors at the University College

Group Invites Women in STEM Careers
A group invites girls to discover science and technology careers. In Oshkosh, the UW Oshkosh and the American University Women are encouraging girls to become tech savvy. The school had a special Saturday class in exploring in demand and high paying careers that women might have been overlooking. The Technology

Technology to Predict Driving Errors Developed
Researchers at the Stanford and Cornell are promising new auto technology that predicts driving errors. Although many cars already have their cameras and sensors that can monitor and watch the surrounding vehicles and markings, the new system will also use a camera inside the automobile in order to monitor the

China Suspends New Financial Banking Cybersecurity Rules
The bank regulator of China suspended the new financial web security rules temporarily this week after comments and feedback from banks that showed practical challenges regarding the country’s long-term effort of cutting dependence on matters of entrenched foreign technology. Based in Reuter’s review of the notice issued, the country’s regulators

Online dating platform: League
This is an age of online dating and many people find it difficult to find the right mate. The league is a new app that lets users find their date through searching their niche. The league has a tagline “for people who hate dating apps, by people who hate dating

Instagram Bans Nudity: No Naked Pictures!
Instagram have revised their rules on posting certain things. Posting with your clothes on is now the new motto for Instagram. People are urged to post their own photos and videos with their clothes on. Experts say that Instagram may go too far to enforce its ban. Some of its