Latest Science News

Latest Study Says that Rats are Not to Blame for the Plague
The epidemics which had hit Europe in the form of plagues in the mid-14th century may not have because black rats. Scientists now suggest that the culprit might have been Gerbils from Asia. Scientists believe that if they are right than they will have to rewrite history. The theory is

Too Much Sun can Damage Your Skin – Even in the Dark
The sun can damage your skin for hours after spending time in the sun; new research has shown a link between sun exposure and chances of cancer. Lotions are known to help reduce the risk of cancer; vitamin E is also known to protect the skin and can limit the

Sea Creatures Are Getting Bigger
While evolution is unpredictable, science aims to quantify it and the latest surveys of marine life have shown a new pattern, the size of marine animals are increasing. The marine animal has gone up by a factor of 150, this has happened in the past 542 million years (since the

Penguins Taste Sour and Salty Food Only
According to genetic studies, during evolution, flightless birds lost three out of five fundamental tastes long ago. In most animals taste is very critical for their survival, but this may not be the case in penguins, as they swallows fish as a whole, say researchers in China and US. Many

New Realm of Physics: New Particles to be Discovered
When the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is restarted soon, it is hoped that new particles will be discovered which has excited scientists who believe that this will be a new milestone for the scientific community. Researchers at the LHC believe that any particle discovered this year would be a bigger

Droughts in America: New Developments
America may face droughts in the South-west region which the area has not seen for many centuries. Though these droughts are light as compared with the ones back in the 12th century but Scientists believe that the region may be effected by a Super-Drought in the near future. Studies suggest

Space Weather Satellite DSCOVR Launched
The tsunami buoy of space has been launched; the DSCOVR (Deep Space Climate Observatory) will be used to monitor the sun and space weather. The satellite was launched from a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Florida. The satellite will be able to give advanced warnings from sudden outbursts of solar

Europe’s IXV Spaceplane Returns to Earth
Europe’s prototype versatile spaceplane has returned to earth after a successful first test flight. The lifted off from the pad just after 13:40 GMT on board a Vega rocket from South America. The Spaceplane flew east around the earth before descending back down to earth and splashing into the Pacific

Signs of Sleep Deprivation Discovered
Sleep deprivation is a common symptom of a “drop in fatty acids” according to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. There are two major compounds that plays a vital role during “slumber”, the lack of these two compounds results in a depleted metabolism and leads to sleep deprivation.

New Pictures of Pluto from New Horizons
NASA has released new pictures of Pluto and one of its moons taken by the Long-Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) on board the New Horizons spacecraft. The images were taken from a distance of some 200 million km (124 million miles) away. At this distance, Pluto and one of its moons