
Burial Vault Found Beneath Washington Square Park
New York water mains work unveils 19th century burial vault under Greenwich Village Washington Square Park.

Time Warner leaving gate ajar for Fox return
CBS is exploring the new frontier by developing a “Star Trek” series that it hopes will bolster its $5.99-a-month CBS All Access online venture.
Warren: Bill Would Give Seniors Extra Social Security Boost
Elizabeth Warren is introducing a bill she says will help senior citizens who rely on Social Security to make ends meet. The fact that Social Security benefits are not rising means that Social Security recipients whose Medicare premiums are deducted from their Social Security checks will not see an increase

Pentagon spent $43 million on gas station in Afghanistan
“No evidence exists that [the Defense task force] conducted a feasibility study before spending $43 million on the station”, Sopko wrote in his report (pdf).

Visa inc buys Visa Europe in 21.2 bln euro deal
Bloomberg, citing a person familiar with the matter, reported that the deal to unify the brand is valued at over $20 billion while the Wall Street Journal reported last week that the deal may be valued at almost $22 billion. And cross-border volume, again on a constant dollar basis, rose

Trader Found Guilty Of Commodity Fraud And ‘Spoofing’
In the USA government’s first criminal prosecution of the manipulative trading practice known as “spoofing”, high-frequency trader Michael Coscia was found guilty on Tuesday.

Molson Coors in talks to buy SABMiller’s stake
Molson Coors (NYSE:TAP) reportedly is in advanced negotiations with SABMiller to buy a majority stake in their USA joint venture MillerCoors.

GE completes Alstom acquisition
General Electric has closed its $10 billion deal with Alstom, a European power company, leading GE to control one-third of the globe’s power supply.

White House calls Ryan’s immigration remarks ‘preposterous’
“That’s going to work itself out”.

Bitcoin to become world’s 6th largest reserve currency
Bitcoin, the world’s most popular digital currency, has been on a roll – but no one is really sure why.