Nate Silver: Donald Trump More Likely Nominee Than Bernie Sanders
Lest anyone think Warren was tipping her hand in the primary-where she hasn’t endorsed a candidate-she added she was glad that “ALL” the party’s candidates, including Hillary Clinton and Martin O’Malley, “are fighting for Wall St reform”.

Blac Youngsta Stopped By Police After Withdrawing $200000 From His Account
Youngsta said the large withdrawal was taken out to be used to purchase a new auto, and that he would be taking his business away from Wells Fargo.

China’s FX reserves down 107.9 bln United States dollars from November
While a weaker yuan would make Chinese exports cheaper overseas, and foreign products more expensive in China, it would be unlikely to go down well among the country’s trading partners.

Saudi Arabia hits record $98B deficit, Riyadh doubles gas prices
The fall in the price of oil has resulted in Saudi Arabia posting a 2015 budget deficit of 15 per cent of GDP, forcing spending cuts of 14 per cent in 2016, the government said overnight.

United Kingdom savers cash in small pension pots
There was also bad news today for the government’s much-vaunted Pension Wise service which was set up by the Chancellor to ensure that people understood the implications of any decision to cash in their retirement savings.

New Inflatable Pillow Hoodie Will Let You Sleep Anywhere
A crowdsourcing campaign launched on Kickstarter in November is funding a rare sweatshirt which has an inflatable pillow inside its hood.

Oracle Acquires AddThis to Expand Offerings
Oracle Corporation (NYSE:ORCL) [Detail Analytic Report] moved down in early trading session on Wednesday as it has reached into an contract to takeover AddThis, a provider of publisher personalization, audience insight and activation tools.

General Motors and Lyft to introduce on-demand autonomous vehicles
GM is one of many companies, including Tesla, Volvo, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz, which has been working on self-driving vehicles for quite some time now.

NORAD’s Santa Tracker started with a typo 60 years ago
Regardless of its origins, NORAD Tracks Santa grew from there into something that kids have looked forward to for generations.

Magnitude-4.4 earthquake shakes inland suburbs of Southern California
Natural Resources Canada said the quake measured 4.3 while the U.S. Geological Survey placed the magnitude at 4.8. – levels the Canadian agency said would not be expected to cause any problems.