BYOW ‘Not Free of Security Risks’

The emergence of technology isn’t ‘zero risk.’ New security threats and attacks have been introduced daily, especially that more people are becoming more connected with the world. Potential hacking access is what devices mean for most users because such technology can allow hackers to gather sensitive personal and financial data. Among the internet of things, the worst security problems, according to experts, are the devices people use.
So in the emerging ‘bring your own wearable’ or BYOW, users are recommended to ensure that both their corporate and personal data are made safe and secured from threats and attacks. One, they should not take data for granted, especially that connected devices, including tablets, Smartphones and wearables are collecting a multitude of personal data, including GPS that tracks a user’s location, such as a work place; that sees where his children’s school is; and that spots where someone has transacted with an ATM. To avoid security problem, one has to ensure that sensitive data remains safe.
People are also advised to choose value or substance over fashion or style. In the last years, tech companies, such as Microsoft and Google delivered people with better mobile experiences that give them power and freedom. However, users should begin realizing that privacy and security are equally important with comfort and freedom.
Let’s check out more of the latest on this story soon. Nevertheless, it’s all about you bringing technology and not it bringing you. Perhaps, this expert advice signifies one thing: People should be aware of technology and should learn how to control it and not otherwise.
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