Today’s installment of “would you eat” features the grilled franks at Burger King. The WHOPPER® sandwich is known as AMERICA’S FAVORITE BURGER®.
A Burger King “classic” hot dog at a media event to introduce the restaurant’s new menu item, in New York Tuesday.
Hot dogs will be on the permanent menu at Burger King restaurants in the United States this month. If the Grilled Dog proves successful, Burger King may find itself serving up a respectable fraction of the 20 billion hot dogs Americans chow down on each year. Orders that included a hot dog resulted in larger average checks than orders without the new dish. A chili cheese version will have a suggested price of $2.39. Classic and chilli cheese hot dogs will be added to their menu starting February 23. The company suggests franchisees sell it for $1.99.
Burger King’s “Grilled Dogs” will come in two varieties.
The hot dogs are coming from the iconic brand Oscar Meyer, a brand that comes from 3G Capital, much like Burger King does.
The fast-food chain announced some other menu additions as it attempts to cater to more health-conscious folks and will be offering Kale salads and sides of fruit. Nearly 100 percent of BURGER KING® restaurants are owned and operated by independent franchisees, many of them family-owned operations that have been in business for decades.
The burger chain, a unit of Restaurant Brands International, Inc, had Twitter sizzling after its announcement, yesterday, but at least some did not relish the idea.
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