Gaming ConsolesTechnology

Best Old Games On PC That Are Still Worth Playing

Just as technology progressed, gaming reached to new heights. From using a typical mouse and keyboard, it paved way to Virtual Reality VR, Artificial Intelligence nowadays which makes the gaming experience realistic. Online gaming was never a sport until gaming companies like EU sports for its spectacular FIFA gaming series made a name among the gamers.

But now gaming is an actual sport where gamers all around the world compete in online matches with their expensive gaming consoles and gears making it look like an IT ballistics training. Then again, it all started from somewhere. All this began when the computer was invented and after some time gaming roots were observed in the form of disks and floppies. Among those retro games, some are still somewhere in the hearts of gamers, whose tricks and kicks cannot be forgotten.

Most of these games are not available in many regions in the world and restricted by a particular IP. We suggested to use an online gaming VPN that changes your IP as per your requirement.

Let’s have a look at those old games on PC which are still worth playing.


90’s games rose to fame as the games got more intense and exciting, they are still played by some who worship them. Half-Life is one of those trendsetters whose depiction of the fictional realm was by far the most alluring and fascinating among its competitors. As soon as the game initiates, the opening kicks off when you fly across a research facility with fully loaded graphics which take the gamers by storm. The art direction and the way its scripted is way ahead of the era. Doesn’t feel as if it’s a 90’s game.

Valve ultimately created a dimension full of complexities which aroused the game more while aliens fight with the humans. The transition from one scenario to another is unreal and smooth which makes first-person shooting more and more advanced and unique. Definitely, a game to remember.

Oddworld Abe’s Oddysee

Ever gotten killed continuously while being in your subconscious mind? Extreme long jumps and falls, maneuvering obstacles and covering from those fast pacing grenades while the enemy keeps attacking? That my friend is what Oddworld Abe’s Oddysee offers. With enemies being impossible to tackle, the games take a toll on your strength and lives one step at a time making you unstoppable until you die.

The struggle is real, and gamers do get sweaty as the titular Abe an enslaved Mudokon uncovers a meat processing plant where he soon finds to be in a race within the slaughterhouse. With multiple attempts of breaking free, the real journey begins moving past the dome of the aliens, fighting them with all the ammo you have. The game makes you dream of the unexpected world which can never exist in real life. But makes you think out of the box where all your nightmares come true.

Deus Ex

Who can forget Deus Ex? The game itself won many gamers hearts and minds with applauds as being a 90s game it superseded as a much-advanced game of its time engaging the gamers to keep playing. The game didn’t upgrade as such with time as the developers kept it as it was, in the beginning, to keep the spirits and actual purpose of the game alive. Then again its aspiring RPG system, dense paranoid hub world, and conspiracy made it a top pick among the clan of gamers.

What we played in the 90s is what gamers play in today’s time. The game was far more advanced for its time where the mission hasn’t changed, and you conclude being infinity as of molding JC Denton according to your styles, just as adjusting a car seat to your height. Deux Ex is an evolving game, and it memorizes your style and plan of action leading to the RPGs old standard sim strive for. No doubt the game is still played by many.


If you enjoy clicking the mouse again and again in a wild manner to shoot then, Outlaw is the right pick for you. Its old, but nothing less than a Gold Bar for gamers. The game in a pure form is a way to take out your anger and frustration on the characters involved in the game, shooting your way to harder levels. The gunslinger is no less than a bandit that exploits the Sundance Kid. Is that it? Creators took enormous time to come up with a console which engages the gamer in making decisions. The manual reload system is by far dreading when your enemy is close by and your take time in reloading.

While the sniper scope did a dandy job in making you a serial killer with that heavy gun. What good is a game without its aftereffects? The jingles and soundtrack of a thriller in a classic FPS package was cherry on top making the game’s persona amplify.


If there is a game that started it all, then that’s Quake. Being a pioneer game, the demonic stylistic shooting it provides is a game changer compared to the well-renowned Doom look trash. The plot and design of the game took all the marks with mutual collaboration with Trent Reznor making the sound as crippled as it could get, giving you a Gringy feeling.

The hype and persona of the game with the use of high-end ammunition and weapons made Quake a must have. Gaming changed as Quake created a high benchmark for other developers to come up with better competing games, giving rise to the gaming market.


GameBoys and Sega and Sony had its charm when it all started years back. If you ever get a chance to relive all those memories, would you still play those games? We are 100% sure once your favorite games track is played, you’ll be eager to play it yourself.

Gaming has reached new heights taking the world by storm, making it an actual sport.

Games like Dota and Call of Duty and CounterStrike are all star-studded games having immense high-quality graphics. But no one can forget the games which laid the foundation of what gaming we do today; Old Games on PC. Those are the actual games, which in its simplicity made the game desirable.

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