BusinessWorld News

Bernie Sanders nipping at Hillary Clinton’s heels: By the numbers

Clinton’s total for the past three months marks a notable drop-off from the $47.5 million she raised during the previous fundraising period, despite a busy schedule of donor events and an active online push for dollars.

A campaign aide of hers said that 91 percent of the donations were under 100 dollars. Her campaign raised nearly $48 million and her top allied Super PAC raised a further $15.6 million.

The campaign says it has now received a total of more than a million donations from an estimated 650,000 donors; meanwhile, Clinton’s momentum has appeared to slow. Clinton had insisted that all of her work emails were being reviewed by the State Department, but Pentagon officials recently discovered a new chain of messages between Clinton and then-Gen.

Clinton said the idea “makes good sense”, but her chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, disagreed: “As someone who attempted to be hacked (yes I was one), I am not sure we want to telegraph how much folks do or don’t do off state mail b/c it may encourage others who are out there”.

Despite the email scandal that has plagued Hillary Clinton in her effort to gain the Democratic nomination for president in 2016, President Clinton said he is confident that the tone of his wife’s campaign will change and that the email controversy will blow over.

The Vermont senator’s campaign says he has raised about $26 million for his presidential campaign in the past three months. But though she still leads in early national polls, she trails Sanders in surveys taken in the first two states to hold nominating contests: Iowa and New Hampshire.

Sanders’ fundraising haul is a striking illustration of the potential threat his insurgent campaign could pose to Clinton, a former first lady and secretary of State who can draw on an extensive fundraising network built over four decades in public life.

Sanders has instead raised the bulk of his funds online, with an active Internet presence aimed at recruiting smaller givers.The Sanders campaign at that time said that the average contribution was $33.51 and that 99 percent of the donations were under $250.

As did Obama, Sanders’ campaign can return again and again to the same givers for more money, because they have not hit the $2,700 contribution limit. Even if you continue to believe, as I do, that Clinton will eventually be the Democratic nominee and that Democrats are not going to nominate someone like Sanders in a year when Republicans will be aggressively pushing to win the White House, these numbers are significant.


So just how impressive is Sanders’ performance? “Bernie is swell and all, but I don’t quite think he’s electable”. Both the New Jersey Education Association and Massachusetts Teachers Association said they would not support an NEA primary endorsement at this time, and some teachers and rank-and-file members unhappy about the endorsement have taken to Twitter using the hashtag #NoEarlyEndorsement.

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