
Backers who backed latest Yota device annoyed YotaPhone 2 US launch has been cancelled

Yesterday, Yota Devices revealed that it is cancelling YotaPhone 2 US launch due to some issues with its manufacturing partners. It is very annoying when you back a product in a crowdfunding site and you get to know that the product launch has been cancelled or delayed. You’ll feel like you have been betrayed.

An email has been sent to the of the YotaPhone 2 US backers through Indiegogo, which states:

“The reason for our cancelled launch is due to unforeseen delays including both production and delivery of the North American variant of YotaPhone 2 from our manufacturer…In turn, we believe that the likelihood of a severe delay in these shipments would have created a conflict with our international road map for 2016, leaving Indiegogo supporters behind when customers in other regions will be offered a newer, cheaper and better YotaPhone.”
The Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign raised more than $300,000 from backers and they have put down a minimum of $500 to receive YotaPhone 2.

What will happen to the YotaPhone 2 US backers’ money?

There are two options provided by the company to the backers in the US. Backers can either choose to receive the international variant of the smartphone, which lacks support for LTE in the US and will only get HSPA+ service on AT&T and T-Mobile or they can request a refund.

What are the specs of the much anticipated YotaPhone 2?

The latest smartphone by Yota devices has two displays: a traditional LCD panel with an e-ink screen on the rear. It is powered by Snapdragon 801, a rear camera of 8-megapixel and a battery of 2,500mAh.

According to an email by Yota, the company will be teaming up with a new manufacturer that will support the scalability it needed to quickly bring the phone to various parts of the world, including North America. But it appears that the company will only be manufacturing its next generation device with the new manufacturer.

But for now, YotaPhone 2 US launch has been cancelled, but Backers need to check their inbox and choose an option.

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