Zaim Sultan
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Zaim Sultan

I am Zaim Sultan's work as a freelance writer who loves to write in all niche such as technology, education, business, health, sports and travel, and many more.


When an individual or a group of people under the name Satoshi Nakamoto released the paper called Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System back in 2008, the world was introduced to the concept of cryptocurrency. In 2009, the very first cryptocurrency, also known as Bitcoin was released as the open

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Lab Report Writing

Before any report is written, a student has to research as well as collect all the information they need. If you are in the final year of your psychology course, coming up with a good lab report is easier said than done. If you are struggling with your report in

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In the investment world, it pays off to have a wide range of investments under your belt. The reasons for portfolio diversification are numerous to say the least, with increased capital security, higher ROI, and multiple revenue streams being some of the biggest benefits that an expanded portfolio brings to

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USB Type-C Headphones

Every user of the latest headphone gets a good improvement in their entertainment and comfort level as they expected. They think out of the box and use opportunities to enhance leisure activities. They have understood the importance of investing in the latest design of the headphone for sale on online. They can focus

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The business world is becoming more and more competitive, and it is all about acquiring the best talents as well as retaining them. Losing quality workforce is expensive for a company, a recent study has shown that 15.1% of the total U.S. workforce left their job in 2016, and if

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The online gambling real has been up and running since its inception in 1994, which is the same year the internet went live. Microgaming was the first gaming company to provide its services on the platform, and it remains among the top names in the industry to date. Other names

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Nowadays, every business simply needs to build visibility online, in order to effectively reach their target audience. One of the best ways to boost visibility online is through effective marketing. However, it’s no secret that marketing is expensive. As a matter of fact, the more you invest in developing a

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The new way to make money online

There are many types of earnings in the Internet and many advanced people use them to get rich. Also, people who have a regular job often seek additional income, but they do not rest at all, because they are thinking about money. But you can combine entertainment and earnings, if

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An inability to manage their finances is the main reason why the majority of Australian startups eventually fail. Regardless if they’re unable to reach their break-even point in time, fail to meet the market conditions they’ve anticipated or don’t have the funds to run day-to-day operations, it all comes down

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Priorities have changed for the employers of the world, as we’ve entered a new era when it comes to finding the right people to expand a business. We no longer dwell on CVs, academic degrees mean less compared to hands-on experience and initiative, while local pools of candidates are not

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