Zaim Sultan
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Zaim Sultan

I am Zaim Sultan's work as a freelance writer who loves to write in all niche such as technology, education, business, health, sports and travel, and many more.

The Grid
Tech Bits

What promises to be the future of websites, The Grid is a step in a slightly different direction from traditional website design We have seen websites in their infancy of basic HTML  grow into Web 2.0 sites and content management systems. The Grid takes what could be the next evolutionary leap with their

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Misconceptions about Social Media
Tech Bits

Online marketing is at its peak and every entrepreneur is turning towards social media to market their businesses. Today, everyone knows about the benefits of having social media for their business. But there are still few misconceptions about social media that are affecting the marketing efforts of a company negatively.

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Why You Should NOT buy Twitter Followers
Tech Bits

Twitter is growing every day and so does its popularity in the sphere of social media marketing (SMM). Just Google for “buy Twitter followers” and you will find hundreds of thousands of websites offering SEO packages people so that they can add 1000s of “new” followers to their Twitter account.

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5 Tools Everyone in the SEO Industry Should Be Using
Tech Bits

Search engine optimization (SEO) is something you need to do in order to help people find your business online. To help you achieve maximum results from SEO efforts, we have five incredible tools (free) for you to use. These tools are not only free, but are also easy to setup

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10 Signs You Should Invest In Social Media
Tech Bits

Why should you invest in social media? Here are few reasons why social media marketing is beneficial for small businesses: Social media profiles enhance your brand image: – Business image is vitally important. It makes your audience have opinion about you the moment they meet you (within first few seconds),

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Tips for a better Facebook experience
Tech Bits

Many individuals and small businesses have a page on Facebook, however, they do not know how to use it effectively to find, reach out, and engage with their audience. In this post, we will show you 10 quick tips about Facebook that are designed to find who your target audience

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The Worst Advice We've Ever Heard About Social Media
Tech Bits

We all know the adage about advice, but what about advice on social media? If you have tried social media marketing, we bet you like to take valuable advice from the experts on what to do and not to do. Although most advices you hear from those “so-called” social media

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Scientists Create Touchable Holograms

Move over Tu-Pac, Touchable Holograms are the new thing Yoichi Ochiai is a researcher at Japanese company Digital Nature Group, that has created holograms using femtosecond lasers that are not only safe to touch but are holograms you can interact with. The holograms themselves are created using a laser that sends out ultra-short

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US Challenges Japan To Giant Robo Fight

Are MegaBots mechwarriors the future of international sports? The 4th of July is almost here. This time of year, Americans celebrate everything that’s great about being American. US-based MegaBots is no exception, although they show their pride in a different way. With the tagline “The future of sports – Giant Fighting Robots”, the

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Easy Ways to Make MORE Money With Adsense
Tech Bits

Adsense is a great platform for publishers to make money from, but find out how you could be making more! Google Adsense is a major source of revenue for many publishers. However, most set up a Google Adsense and forget it, not giving a lot of thought into the details

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