A quick online search regarding steel buildings for sale would immediately reveal its cost-effectiveness compared to brick or any other construction type. Apart from cost, the turnaround time of construction is also contributing to the popularity of such contemporary structures. One of the traditional advantages of brick was the architectural

Spy Cameras: Everything You Should Know Before Buying One
There are many different reasons for buying a spy camera these days. From keeping an eye on their home to monitoring a family member, people in many different situations find that a spy camera is a big help. However, there are many different aspects that you might not be aware

Mobile Marketing Trends That Are Shaping 2017
As more and more people use their handheld devices rather than desktop or laptop computers to connect to the Internet, no wonder that mobile marketing has grown so big. The number of mobile search inquiries has increased and surpassed PC ones, which presents a huge shift in the online, business,

Why Technology is Pushing Casinos Forward
The online casino industry is expected to be worth $100 billion in 2017. This high estimation is due to the positive effect technology has on this industry. Are you curious to find out why the case is? If yes, stick with me as I take you through this detailed and

Multifab 3D Printer Takes 3D Printing To Another Level
MIT Multifab 3D printer from the researchers of MIT is the world’s first 3D printer that can print up to 10 materials in one go. Features of the Multifab 3D printer: The new innovation from MIT has a self-correction and self-calibration feature. The MIT Multifab 3D printer is user-friendly and

How to spy on text messages: benefits and legalities
Have you noticed that people don’t speak to each other over the phone as much today as they did just several years ago? However, they are now talking to each other more than ever. How can this be possible? The truth is that most of us prefer texting rather than

The Must Have On-Page Features for Better Search Engine Optimization in 2017
After the recent Penguin update of Google, the on-page has become the most important part of search engine optimization. It doesn’t matter now that how much backlinks you have for your website and how many guest blogs you have submitted. Without working on your website, you are not going to

Skycure Redefines Mobile Threat Defense with Updated Platform that Enables Safer and Smarter Enterprise Mobile Apps
Comprehensive Mobile Threat Defense Solution Adds Mobile App Reputation Service and Built-in Threat Connectors so Enterprises Can Build Self-Defending Mobile Apps Palo Alto, Calif. – May 9, 2017 – Skycure, the leader in mobile threat defense, today released a new version of the Skycure Mobile Threat Defense Platform to help enterprises achieve greater

The Rise of Aerial Intelligence
By Machines4U Since the advent of drones, literally every Hollywood film featuring the airborne robots has been about warfare and terror. For those who have no personal experience with the phenomenal devices, it can be easy to fall into a false conception that they are militant by nature. As with

The rise of mobile gambling and modern technology
It is estimated that the mobile gambling industry will be worth a whopping $100 billion by the end of 2017 and such an exponential rise is in no small part down to rapid technological progress over the last few years. The growth in internet and mobile phones has been a