Making Your WordPress Site as Secure as Possible
Getting hacked is a webmaster’s worst nightmare. A hacker rummaging through a website can steal user credit card info and passwords, install malicious software on the server, and potentially infect site visitors with viruses and malware. To give you an idea of the security situation online, Google blacklists more than

The Importance and Benefits of Mobile First Web Design
The mobile revolution is here. An increasing number of users are now mobile-only and if your website can’t meet their needs, you will lose prospective clients. On top of that, Google declared its interest in enhancing user experience and securing more valuable search results by making its mobile-first index. This

5 Accessories You Should Have While Taking Pictures Outside
Whether you’re an amateur photographer who picked up a camera as a hobby or you’re trying to make your photography into a business, creating amazing photos can’t always be done without an accessory. Granted, equipment does not make a photographer, knowledge and first-hand experience do, but sometimes you simply can’t