YouTube Rolls Out New YouTube Desktop Video Player
The new YouTube desktop video player has been tested out for the past few months and is now available for everyone. The company announced the new YouTube video player on twitter. They tweeted about the change with a video of a water skiing squirrel. The HTML5 video player includes a

EFF introduces new Do Not Track Standard for Web Browsing to Protect Users’ Privacy
The EFF introduces new Do Not Track Standard to protect users’ privacy. The new DNT was requested by the FTC, the regulator of commercial practices in the United States. What is the new Do Not Track standard? Do Not Track is a preference that you can set on Chrome, Firefox

Black Hat USA Conference 2015 Main Event Starts Today
For the last two decades, hackers have been gathering in Las Vegas every year to demonstrate how they can take control of computers. Black Hat USA Conference 2015 is a six day event which began with four days of intense Trainings for security researchers of all levels (August 1-4) and

Pinnacle double faced watch that can attach Apple watch to classic watch will have a long delivery time
The Apple Watch is one of the most sought after devices of the smart watch market. If anyone is in doubt whether to use a luxury watch or Apple Watch, Nico Gerard has a solution for it with its Pinnacle double faced watch that can attach Apple watch to classic

First ever Microsoft Halo World Championship will give $1 Million as prize money
Yesterday, the software giant announced at Gamescom conference that later this year it will launch the Microsoft Halo World Championship. It is an e-sports competition in which $1 million will be given as prize money. This is the maximum amount ever paid for a Halo tournament and will be given

Acer Aspire One Cloudbook unleashed and will run on Windows 10
Acer has launched new range of laptops at low prices that come with the new Windows 10. It is not for the first time that Acer is selling low cost laptops, the company also has a range of Chromebooks running Chrome OS, the desktop operating system from Google, as well

A critical bug in BIND DNS software could affect the stability of the Internet
Last week, Internet Systems Consortium (ICS) released a fix for a critical bug in BIND DNS software, which could affect the stability of the internet in the whole world. BIND is the most popular DNS software on the web and is the default on Unix-based systems. Internet Systems Consortium (ISC),

The New Fujifilm X-T1 IR Camera Could Help Forensic Scientists Find Hidden Clues At Crime Scenes
The new Fujifilm X-T1 IR camera announced by the Japanese company could help forensic scientists find hidden clues at crime scenes. The new Fujifilm X-T1 IR camera will be able to capture light from a wavelength ranging from 380nm to 1000nm while the human eye can view a wavelength between

Thunderstrike 2 Firmware Mac worm is almost undetectable and can infect your PC permanently
For the past many years, there has been a common misconception among people that Apple MacBooks and iMac PCs are more secure than Microsoft Windows laptops and desktops. However, that misconception is set to be shattered by the security researchers Xeno Kovah and Trammel Hudson, who have developed Thunderstrike 2

Microsoft acquired Incent Games to enhance its Dynamics CRM product line
Microsoft acquired Incent Games, a Texas based company which developed a sales gamification platform called FantastySalesTeam. The main product of Incent is called FantastySalesTeam, which is designed to enhance CRM adoption. Microsoft acquired Incent Games so that it can integrate FantasySalesTeam into its own Dynamics CRM product line, according to