Google Photos Update Hints at Unlimited Original-Quality Photo Storage for Nexus Users
According to a post on the Google blog, within a year of its launch, Google Photos has created 1.6 billion collages, animations, and movies from your snapshot. Other than that, there have been some 2 trillion labels, with 24 billion of them categorizing selfies. Wow!! The Search Giant said that

Oracle Loses $9 Billion Android Trial Against Google As U.S. Jury Declares ‘fair use’ of Java in Android
On Thursday, a jury in San Francisco cleared Google of copyright infringement in a 6 year legal saga brought by Oracle over Google’s use of Java in Android. The jury of 11 members took 3 days of deliberation to reach its verdict. It is a huge victory for Google and

Nintendo will Let Its 500 fans to play the New Legend of Zelda Early in NYC
A few weeks ago, Nintendo fans were hit hard when they learned that the upcoming, The Legend of Zelda for Wii U would be coming in 2017 and not later this year. But now, it looks like some of those disappointed fans will get a chance to play a part

Pebble’s New Smartwatches Get Serious About Your Fitness
After releasing Pebble Round and Pebble Time, Pebble is back with Pebble 2 and the Pebble Time 2. Today, it’s also launching Pebble Core, a new non-smartwatch product. Because its Pebble, therefore, you know it’s launching on Kickstarter. Know More About Pebble’s New Smartwatches Pebble 2 is focused on fitness

Google’s Plan to Password-Free Login is Moving Forward
If Google’s password-free login – Project Abacus becomes successful this summer, then the conventional passwords will soon be a thing of the past on the Android devices. The project stems from the idea that humans are not very good at remembering passwords, but they’re quite good at simply being themselves.

Now Embed Reddit Threads on Other Websites
Reddit, one of the largest online communities, announced on Thursday that it will let its users embed its posts/discussion threads on other websites. This new feature is quite simple to use as you can embed the threads just like you currently embed Tweets and YouTube videos in web pages. Readers

2012 LinkedIn Password Breach Continues..
LinkedIn, which suffered a major data breach in 2012, has uncovered new information suggesting that the hack was much worse than it was thought of. In a blog post, the company warns that 100 million users appear to be affected by this hack, which includes not just passwords but email

Netflix launches Fast.com, its own speed test website
Netflix is obsessed with speed (for obvious reasons) and quality of your internet connection.To help you check how your connection is doing, it has launched Fast.com on Wednesday, a trademarked web page that loads and runs a speed test without user intervention. And yes, this isn’t any old website. The
Google Home: Search Giant’s Voice-Activated Home Device
Google is all set to enter the virtual-agent market with a voice-activated home device called Google Home. According to The New York Times, the Search Giant will unveil it on Wednesday at its annual Google I/O developers conference. The conference will start with a keynote presentation from Google Chief Executive

Links and Photos won’t Count in Twitter’s 140-Character Limit Anymore
Twitter is not willing to extend its notorious 140 character limit, however the social network is reportedly going to allow its users to make better use of those characters. Earlier this year, CEO Jack Dorsey was adamant about the limit and that it should not be lifted as it’s a