
Apple And Cisco Deal Highlights Enterprise Apps

Apple is now trying to target corporate customers and give iOS apps a performance boost on enterprise networks. Apple and Cisco deal will definitely help the iPhone maker to achieve it.

Cisco says it will integrate iPhones with Cisco environments and provide unique collaboration capabilities on iOS devices. Apple and Cisco deal will let the iPhone maker connect Cisco’s expansive corporate networks with its devices. It will also enable business users to easily use TelePresence, Cisco Spark and WebEx for remote collaboration.

It is the second time in two years that Apple has collaborated with a major technology company focusing on business customers. Earlier the iPhone maker teamed up with IBM to build and sell business apps for the iOS devices.

Apple and Cisco deal comes as businesses are working towards the use of tabs and smartphones to make their employees more productive. It has been observed that Apple’s iPhones and iPads are usually bought by individual employees instead of corporate technology buyers. There are not many companies who have adequately incorporated their smartphones with their desk phones and desktops.

What are the challenges faced by both the companies?

According to the officials of both the companies, one big problem is to ensure workers get adequate networking performance in the office. Both the companies plan to establish a “fast lane” for Apple devices in the corporate world, prioritizing Web and wireless connections so that important business apps aren’t compromised by non-business fare.

Mr. Tim Cook, CEO of Apple pointed that another issue is that many employees now have their phone address books on their iPhones instead of having it on their work desk phones. Integrating such directories is also one of the goals of the partnership.

Who will be benefitted from Apple and Cisco deal?

According to analyst Avi Greengart of Current Analysis, the latest deal may help Apple more than it does Cisco. Apple will be stronger in its device security for corporate networks because of the integration between iOS and Cisco VPNs. It is not that Cisco will not be benefitted it will get the chance to get hands on apps.

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