
Amazon Is Rolling Out Changes To Product Reviews – Ratings System

Amazon is rolling out changes in U.S to product reviewsratings system to minimize the fake reviews, but users will not be able to notice much difference until some of the Amazon’s tweaks really kick into gear. The e commerce giant has unveiled a new machine-learning system that uses Artificial Intelligence, to bring up newer and more helpful reviews at the top of the list.

According to the enhanced system, Amazon will now give more weight to recent product reviews/ratings as well as reviews written by verified Amazon customers of a particular product. Amazon will also weigh reviews that have been considered useful by other Amazon users.

5-star rating of a product, which earlier was an average of all reviews, will also become weighted using the above stated criteria. In other words, product rankings are probably going to vary a bit more in the coming time.

Julie Law, Amazon’s spokesperson said in an interview “The system will continue to learn which reviews are most helpful to customers and improve the experience over time. It’s just meant to make things that much more useful so people see things and know it reflects the current product experience.”

Product reviews – ratings have been a vital part of Amazon’s website for more than 20 years. The 5-star rating system and written reviews has become a sign of popularity and quality for items buyers and also an important form of accountability factor to test out before purchasing the product. Because of the importance of this system for selling online products, Amazon made changes to its product reviews – ratings system to ensure customers continue to trust it.

According to the sources, the changes were rolled out last week on Friday on the Amazon US site, but there’s no word on rolling out the update to other countries. The improvements in the algorithm will certainly be helpful for enhancing user experience and present them accurate and relevant reviews of the products.

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