Amazon Fears that their Game “Twitch” Might be Hacked

Amazon have advised their customers (who are playing Twitch) to change their passwords as they fear that the game has been hacked. Amazon released a statement saying that the names and telephone numbers of their clients might have been leaked and advised them to change their passwords as soon as possible.
Amazon is facing some criticism because it appears that the passwords were encrypted and Twitch has about 55 million viewers. Twitch has sent an email to their viewers saying:
We are writing to let you know that there may have been unauthorized access to some of your Twitch user account information, including possibly your Twitch username and associated email address, your password (which was cryptographically protected), the last IP address you logged in from, and any of the following if you provided it to us: first and last name, phone number, address, and date of birth
They added further that it did not process or store credit card information. Twitch has not directly said that they have been hacked but they have only told users to change their passwords because of the fear of being hacked and that someone has unauthorized access to their database.
Twitch has refused to confirm about this incident, they have not yet issued a formal statement but they did send an email where they had told their users that their passwords were deleted and they need to choose a new password.
Many experts are saying that if the password has been breached than the same password should not be used on the internet.
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