TechnologyVideo Games

All Work All Play: The Cinematic Experience of the Summer

As video games continue to propel themselves to the forefront of the cultural conscience, it’s only natural that the next step would be the big screen. While playing your favorite games in a movie theatre setting is nothing new, watching the world’s best play live certainly is. All Work All Play is a cinema event led by ESL, BY Experience, and documentary producer Patrick Creadon. Viewers are given a first hand trip through Season 9 of the Intel Extreme Masters, that ends with live  Starcraft matches between some of the film’s producers as well as pro SC2 players.

The film has something for new and old fans of E-Sports. The detailed account of the League of Legends tournament is fascinating by itself, yet new fans may be more persuaded by the human element. There are brief, but brilliant moments that dig deep into the psyche and lives of professional gamers.

The film joins countless other programs and events such as Dreamhack, RedBull, and the Kespa Cup to thrust E-Sports further into the spotlight. Often ridiculed as a spectator sport, thousands have begun to flock to stadiums to watch their favorite video games being played by the world’s bests. With some players taking home 6 figures in prizes alone, there’s no doubt E-Sports has staked it’s claim in the global spotlight.

The premier of All Work All Play was on Tuesday July 21st, yet there is an encore on the 30th, and plans to show several other prominent E-Sports matches in the coming months. Make sure you check our your local theatre’s listings in order to catch a glimpse of more live events as they pop up throughout the year.  For those of you itching for a taste, here’s a link to IEM’s Top 6 Plays of the Tournament.

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