
Acer Inc. Released a Full Range of New Devices

Acer Inc. Released a Full Range of New Devices

Acer Inc. of Taiwan has already released their brand new full range of new devices, which include 2-in-1 and convertible laptops. The company launched it early in order to meet the demand of customers during this forthcoming back-to-school season in the US.

Acer revealed the 11-inch convertible laptop that comes with more improved features and the two convertible laptops during the global press conference that was held just last Thursday in New York.

Aside from the latest laptop models of Acer, the company also launched a LED projector that comes with a highly-intelligent ambient light sensor and a 34-inch curved gaming monitor. Acer Inc.’s recent release is known to be one of their grandest launching events considering the fact that they release a full range.

According to Jason Chen, who is the chief executive and corporate president of Taiwan’s Acer Inc., their Acer team strongly believes in the idea that one can produce better products when they are asking questions. In that way, they will be able to know what people are expecting and what people are hoping.

By asking questions, the company will be able to have a full grasp of what a person truly needs. If you finally pin point what people need, then it is a lot easier to think of products, services or offers that will suit what they need.

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