For the past few years, Google is trying to deal with the everyday problems by making airborne wind turbines, smart contact lenses, high altitude balloons that beam the Internet to earth, making self-driving cars and lot more. Now their next goal is to improve the city life for everyone.

Larry Page, CEO of Google wrote on Google Plus that with Mountain View’s Sidewalk Labs, they target to develop technologies to improve the city life for normal people, governments and businesses by making transportation system more efficient, tackling housing issues, reducing cost of living, reducing power consumption and lot more.

Page also said “Making long-term, 10X bets like this is hard for most companies to do, but Sergey and I have always believed that it’s important.”

Also see: Google Expands User Security Controls

Dan Doctoroff, who is New York City’s Deputy Mayor of Economic Development and Rebuilding and the former head of Bloomberg LP will be leading the project from New York as CEO. As reported by The New York Times, Dan is having a long experience working with New York City and the tech giant providing the funding, Sidewalk Labs will achieve above mentioned goals by developing the technologies.

Google’s Sidewalk Labs method of operation will be to develop technology like products and platforms and forming partnerships with other firms. Dan told The New York Times that Sidewalk will work toward technology platforms that “people can plug into” for changing their commuting routines and monitoring their energy use. He gave Gotham’s bike sharing program as an example.

In a statement Dan said “We are at the beginning of a historic transformation in cities. At a time when the concerns about urban equity, costs, health and the environment are intensifying, unprecedented technological change is going to enable cities to be more efficient, responsive, flexible and resilient.”

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