Top 10 Most Popular Social Media Sites for June 2015

Even since the dawn of human race, we have always been looking for ways to connect, network, and promote ourselves with others.
In the digital age, they have taken a completely different meaning.
While we used to do handshakes, make word-of-mouth referrals, and distribute stamped letters in the past, however, that type of relationships often start and grow in social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.
In order to stay relevant and take advantages of these new emerging technologies, “smart” business owners need to know and use wide range of social platforms. But with 100s different social networking sites out there, focusing on the most popular networking sites could be difficult.
However, we did all the hard work for you!
In this post, we have listed the top 10 most popular social networking sites for June 2015, based on their user base, Alexa rankings, and of course, benefits they offer to small businesses in particular.
Here are top 10 most popular social media sites for June 2015:
1) Facebook: –
Facebook is by the most popular social media site on the Internet, with 3 out of 4 Americans using it regularly. It is great for small business owners that host events as well as targeting local audience, thanks to their new Local Awareness Ads feature.
At Facebook, you will most likely find your friends, colleague, and relatives hanging around most of their time. Although FB is focused around sharing pictures, quick thoughts, and links, users can also show their support to a brand or organizations by becoming their fans.
2) Twitter: –
Twitter is perhaps the most popular, fun, and interesting social media sites out there. Messages are limited to 140 characters, which is sufficient to post a link, share an image, and even trade thoughts with one of your favorite celebrity or role models.
The user interface is easy to use and learn, and the profile is easy to set up and only takes few minutes.
Related article: Facebook vs. Twitter – Which is Better
3) Google+: –
By combining the best of both Facebook and Twitter into one, and backing it up using the power of world’s biggest search engine, not to mention failing couple of times with Google Wave and Google Buzz, Google has finally succeed at creating something for everyone.
You can share your content, highlight topics using hashtags, and even categorize your contacts into ‘circles’.
In addition, a Google Plus profile is easy to set up, only take couple of minutes.
4) YouTube: –
If you need to watch or share a video content, where would you go online? Of course, you would go to YouTube. Considered as the ‘second-largest’ search engine, after Google, the website offers everything from the first-hand product reviews to “how to” instructional guides and promotional clips on almost any niche or industry.
It is the world’s largest video-sharing social media sites on the planet. In fact, more US adults aged 18-34 watch YouTube videos than any TV cable network.
With so many people watching YouTube videos, small business across the nation are experiencing amazing results from publishing their videos on YouTube. Users can share, like (rate), and comment on whatever video they see.
5) LinkedIn: –
Anyone who wants to make professional business connections, they must be on LinkedIn.
Considered as the social media sites for your career and business, LinkedIn is great for small business owners. They can meet their customers, post jobs, hire new employees, keep in touch with the vendors, and stay up-to-date with the latest in business and industry news.
With over 40 million Americans having a LinkedIn profile, LinkedIn is definitely one of the most popular social media sites out there.
Individuals can promote themselves by outlining their education and work experience, and make connections with professionals, apply for jobs, and interact in group discussions, among other things.
6) Vine: –
Vine allows you to create and share videos using mobile devices. That means if you have an iPhone and looking for a job, try creating Vine videos about your expertise, and you are bound to get great response from your potential employer.
Owned by Twitter, the mobile video sharing social media site allows you to create 6 seconds long video and share it with your connections. The best part about Vine is that you can directly embed the videos inline on Twitter when shared though a tweet, or even embed them on your website.
Although the length of the video is somewhat limited, companies of all types are having amazing success using this new video sharing service.
Many users prefer to use Vine over Instagram video.
7) Snapchat: –
Snapchat is another most popular social media sites out there, equipped with instant messaging system. It is fully mobile-based app and one of the fastest growing sites.
This surprisingly addictive social media application lets you quickly take a “snap”, or a short videos, add effects, artistic design, and text if you want, and then, share it with your friends and families for a set amount of time, after which the photo will destroy itself from the company’s server.
Kids love it, and we hope, you will love it too because the social app is fun, and probably one of the best ways to stay in touch with your friends.
8) Pinterest: –
As a fastest standalone social media site ever to reach 10 million unique visitors a month, Pinterest’s pinboard-style platform for the web and the mobile is one of the most amazing resources available for collecting best images as well as categorizing on personal boards.
Serving as an inspiration board and the great virtual idea, Pinterest is very popular among women and do-it-yourself people. It lets them share creative thoughts, pictures, and particularly before-and-after pictures of projects that others can pin, save, and duplicate.
With over 50 million active users in the US alone, Pinterest has become one of the most popular image-based social media sites.
9) Instagram: –
Instagram is one of the most popular social media sites for photo sharing. It acts as a convenient bridge between the camera feature on your smart phone and all your social profiles.
Not only you are allowed to share your photo via Facebook, Twitter, and the Instagram website, you can also choose from a wide range of photo filters and personally invite friends to comment on your ideas and photos.
Bought for a hefty $1 billion in 2012, Instagram is just like Twitter, with their user base made up of mostly of young adults – 200 million of them to be exact – making it a great place for small business owners to promote their businesses among interested crowd.
Originally limited to iOS platform, Instagram has since expanded its services on Android, Windows, and on the web.
10) Tumblr: –
Tumblr is different from other most popular social media sites as it exclusively hosts micro blogs for its account holders. Companies and individuals alike can fill their blogs with rich multimedia contents like memes, GIF’s, short video clips, and other forms of viral content.
Like Pinterest, Tumblr is popular for sharing visual content. You can customize your blog using themes, posts all types of content formats, follow other people and get followed back. Considered as the only popular social blogging sites used by the younger crowd, Tumblr offers a handy re-blogging and “like” features to foster interactions among other users.
Related article: 5 Unlikely Sources to Generate HIGH PR Backlinks
Top 10 Most Popular Social Media Sites for June 2015
Over to you: Did we miss some most popular social media sites? If we did, please take time to share them in the comment box below. If you use one of the most popular social media sites listed in this post, tell us what features you like about it and how it has helped your small business.
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