Instagram will let you Save Your Photos in 1080×1080 Resolution

Instagram was launched in 2010 and since then it had restricted image sizes to 640 pixels by 640 because at that time most phones could not click nor render larger images. Last week Instagram updated its app with all new Search and Explore features which will make it easy for users to find people and places that they were looking for. Now, Instagram will let you save your photos in 1080×1080 resolution to remove the earlier restriction
The restriction to image size of 640 pixels by 640 pixels became more noticeable when more and more people bought smartphones equipped with high quality cameras that could capture high resolution images.
Will the 1080×1080 resolution be available via Instagram’s web view?
When we check the source code on Instagram’s web view, it reveals that new photos uploaded to it are being saved in 1080×1080 resolution. But the high resolution images of 1080 pixels are not yet displayed as such by Instagram, it maintains its smaller default of 640 pixels for now. The Verge noted that the photos are now being uploaded in HD resolution, but were not being stretched from 640 pixels to fit a 1080 space.
Facebook bought Instagram in 2012 for $1 billion, and has nearly 300 million active monthly users. An Instagram spokeswoman yesterday said “The Android and iOS apps are gradually being updated to store and display photos that are 1080 pixels by 1080 pixels in size.” Instagram will let you save your photos in 1080×1080 resolution on phones but it is not confirmed whether the resolution improvement will be available via desktop browsers or not. Instagram said “right now we are focused on mobile, with no plans to share on web.”
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