How to Use Long Tail Keyword Phrases

Many websites today use long tail keyword phrases in their pages, blogs, and articles to make it highly relevant to people who are searching for specific answers to their pressing questions, and thereby, boosting website traffic.
There are several benefits to use long tail keyword phrases, but if you don’t know how to find and use long tail keyword phrases on your website, you will not be very successful doing keyword marketing. In this article, we’ll discuss how to find and use long tail keyword phrases on your website content so that you generate articles that covers specific topics that people are interested to learn about.
Why the use of long tail keyword phrases so important?
Long tail keyword phrases, which are mostly tested quite well in PPC as well as SEO, are niche specific, which may help boost website conversions because most people mean business when they get very specific.
But before using long tail keyword phrases into your articles, blogs, or pages, let’s be clear about one thing – do not try using keyword phrases just for the sake of brining traffic to your site when you have nothing relevant to offer on your page. That would be just a waste of time.
So, once you have found a list of long trail key phrases, you have to use them to optimize pages, blogs, or any other articles on your site, and there are two ways to do this. You can either optimize your existing content, or create new content.
Optimizing Existing Content
If you are the admin of your site, go inside the admin dashboard, search for all posts on the site, and search for long tail keyword phrases, or use Google to type in a keyword phrase plus your site name and see what pops up in the search engine result page. If you find anything suitable/relevant, you’re set. Optimize the existing content using the long tail keywords you’ve found through how to find long tail keyword phrases.
While inserting your long tail keyword phrases, make sure to fit in such a way that it reads natural. If the keyword phrase is way too long to fit naturally in a sentence, you can break it down and use it in different parts of the same sentences. For example, if I were to optimize my content on the long tail keyword “how to use long tail keyword phrases,” I would break it down like this.
Instead of writing “Do you know how to use long tail keyword phrases in your article to generate highly targeted content that brings tons of traffic to your site,” I would write:
“If you would like to use long keyword phrases in your articles, but do not know how to use it, this article will help you do that to generate highly targeted content that brings tons of traffic to your site.”
In addition to using the main keyword phrase, you may also use other words that have the same meaning, as in “Using long-tailed key-phrases naturally is difficult, however, these tips will help you how to use it into your content.” Got it?
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Creating New Content
Optimizing existing content is one of the ways to bring highly targeted traffic to your site. But you can also create new content with long tail keyword phrase, which I prefer doing as I think this will generate plenty of pages on my site that includes wide variety of keyword phrases. Plus, I do not have to worry about changing existing page just to insert long tail keyword and lose its ranking.
No matter how you optimize your content, either creating a new page or optimizing an existing one, you should still follow the SEO rules – i.e. create content that are valuable and useful to your readers.
Build Links Using Long Tail Keyword Phrase as Anchor Text
In addition to using long tail keyword phrases on your content, you can use it as an anchor text in a link building campaign. Use Google analytics tools to get an idea on how much traffic comes through using these long tail keywords. If you’ve been using other methods but do not see any rise in traffic to your site, maybe this method could work for you, who knows, right?
So in order to analyze rankings on a page, you need to get an idea where you stand, make some notes, and see if your efforts are generating results or not. Monitor your results to see whether using long-tail keywords as an anchor text in your links are really worth it. For example, you may spend few weeks building a linking campaign using niche-based long tail keyword phrases, but never see any more than 5 referrals, then using those keyword terms may not be worth it. On the other hand, if a specific niche phrase brought only 10 referrals, but now, thanks to your new link building method, it brings more than 50 referrals every month, you want to expand on this through using additional links or utilizing other optimization methods.
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Avoid These Things with Long Tail Keywords
It’s never a best idea to bring people on your landing page using long tail keyword phrases when the page isn’t anyway related with that phrase. Not only your site will be seen as “irrelevant” by your customers, and they’ll never return back again, but you could also get punished by Google and any other major search engines.
Likewise, avoid using long tail keyword phrases that do not get searches at all. While you may go on and on about being at the top spot in Google for a, well, very specific keyword phrase, but if not one is searching for it at all, that will do no good for you.
One common example I see all the time is based on location. Many businesses want to optimize their pages for their city name. But unless their city is a major metropolitan area, it won’t generate a lot of search traffic. But it would probably be easier to get to number one on Google for that specific of a phrase.
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