
Highlights Of Apple’s New Mobile Operating System iOS 9 Unveiled At WWDC 2015

Apple announced the latest version of their mobile operating system iOS 9 at W.W.D.C. 2015. Apple said that the main objective of iOS 9 is to make your phone smarter by enhancing the features which already existed rather than introducing any new feature.

For instance, Apple said that Siri is now 40% faster than before and it can now handle requests over a billion per week. Also, Siri now learns our habits like when we listen to the music while commuting, Siri can sense it and open the Music app automatically for us at that time of day. It is more contextually aware than before to make our experience a lot better with iOS.

iOS 9 will only take 1.3GB of storage space when you install it, which is much less than some of the massive iOS 8 updates.

Apple has also improved the battery life of iPhone with latest iPhone running for one hour extra on iOS 9. That’s not all, Apple has also included a new battery saving mode that will shut down the features which are not essential to make your iPhone battery last for three more hours.

Apple has also enhanced the Notes in iOS 9 by making it easier to make checklists, to draw sketches and to place pics directly into your notes. We can now add links in the notes with just one tap for using ShareSheet.

To improve the user experience of Apple Maps they are now adding public transit data that will deliver information about subways and buses near us. To improve the location searching in Maps Apple has added a new feature that will let us know if merchants support Apple Pay in our area.

The latest News app in iOS replaces Apple’s Newstand app and the articles in it are presented in a better manner and provides amazing animations, videos and photo galleries. It will initially roll out in Australia, U.K. and the U.S. before coming to other countries.

Ipad users can now enjoy true multitasking in iOS 9 which enables them to split the screen between apps on the iPads, for instance, they will be able to have their Apple Maps and browser open at the same time so that they don’t have to minimize one app to access the other app. It also introduces a trackpad built into the on-screen keyboard which can be accessed by placing two fingers on the keyboard and enables fine control over the cursor.

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